We love kids at Hope Fellowship! We also love parents and are committed to helping them fulfill their role as their children's primary teachers on spiritual issues. Scripture makes it clear that parents are ultimately responsible for the discipleship of their children. At Hope Fellowship, one of our missions is to communicate God’s beautiful design for discipleship in the home and to assist parents in this endeavor.
Unlike many churches, Hope Fellowship does not separate families during the corporate worship service. We believe worshiping together as a family is not only commanded in Scripture, but is one of the greatest blessings on earth. As one father in our church put it, "What could be more fulfilling as a parent than to have my children next to me as we worship God together?"
At Hope Fellowship, we don't view children as a distraction in corporate worship, but as a great addition. Yes, infants will cry at times. Yes, toddlers squirm and make noise. And yes, we could keep the little ones out and the service would be quieter, but the blessings associated with a multigenerational corporate worship service far outweigh the occasional sounds of kids being kids. We love to hear the sound of children among us! Our children learn the importance of worshiping God corporately through the examples of our adults, and all ages benefit from the interactions that take place during this time together.