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Why Give Money?  

As followers of Jesus, we give because we are simply following the example He set for us. Jesus is the most generous person who ever lived. In short, He gave us the ultimate gift. He gave us Himself. Therefore, in deep love and with great joy, we respond by giving our time, talent and money back to Him. We give financially so God's kingdom can advance on earth. The New Testament gives us three areas of God's kingdom we are to support with our money.

  • The needs of the local corporate body such as church ministries, facilities, pastors and church support staff, etc.

  • Individual brothers and sisters in Christ who have a financial or material need - especially widows.

  • Those who serve full time in taking the Gospel to those outside of our local area, such as missionaries and church planters.

Although the New Covenant doesn’t demand a set percentage or amount we are to give like the Old Covenant tithe, it does clue us in as to the attitude by which we are to give.


According to New Testament teaching, we are to give:

  • Willingly

  • Cheerfully

  • Generously

  • Regularly

  • Proportionately

  • Discretely

If we give according to these attitudes, then no matter the amount, God will be honored, we will be blessed, and lives will be impacted. The following are ways in which you can give to the ministries of Hope Fellowship Church: 

Online Giving

Click on the following link to access Hope's online giving app.

Cash & Checks

1) Give with cash or a check using the envelopes and offering baskets that are passed during the Sunday morning service. 

2) Use your bank’s automatic bill pay feature to set up recurring payments to Hope Fellowship Church at the address below.

3) Mail a check, payable to:

       Hope Fellowship Church

       PO Box 614

       Kimberling City, MO 65686

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